Jevin Chen

Product Designer

I transform information into strategic action and persuasive stories

UX/UI Research B2B SAASCRM View Case Study

All-In-One Litigation CRM System

Bridgify offers a wide range of tools and features that cater to the diverse needs of attorneys, support staff, litigation funders, and legal marketers, ensuring your firm's continued success.

UX/UI Research B2B SAAS AI View Case Study

AI Document Analytics Platform designed to streamline legal document workflows

Save time and easily review your medical records, loan agreements, and other legal document with our free document summarizing service, powered by AI.

UX/UI Research Artificial Intelligence Human Capital Deloitte View Case Study

An AI-Powered Peer to Peer Mentorship, Collaboration and Learning Platform

Working under the guidance of Deloitte Services to assist in the research and development of concepts for utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to enhance the overall human capital experience.

UX/UI Research NFT Web 3 eBayView Case Study

A future marketplace that connect physical and digital world

Working under the guidance of eBay’s Design Incubation Team to reimagine what the future of marketplaces will look like in the context of Blockchain and NFT.